A Message from Dimensions - We understand the current governmental administration's views may not align with modern democracy, human rights or even common decency but we remain unwavering in our advocacy for the rights of women & marginalized communities and fully recognize gender equality. We encourage our friends, family, clients and fellow professionals to do the same.  We stand in solidarity for humanity and understand that good does exist and we can create the foundations of change and a better tomorrow.

From new construction to remodels, we provide professional architectural services for residential and commercial projects.

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Greenwood Zero-Energy Apartments

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Featured Work:

We showcase a portion of our work to illustrate the range and capacity of projects we have completed. As a general practice Architect firm, we have designed projects that range from residential deck repairs to multi-story, multi-tenant apartment complexes. Our goal is to provide services that inspire our clients to return no matter the size of the project they need to have completed.

Single Family Residential

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Multi-Family Residential

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Commercial Development

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Franchisee and Chains

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